Lacquer painting is uniquely a Vietnamese art form with a beauty that is striking: shiny gold and silver leaf, the whiteness of crushed duck eggshells contrast with rich natural- colour pigments, all applied through multiple layers of translucent, to create paintings of dramatic lustre and strong three dimensional effect.

Lacquer paintings are said to be 'Inverted' paintings: the artist applies multiple layers and then sands and polishes the outside layers to reveal the colours of the lower layers. The artist creates detail by removing the paint rather than by building it up with a brush or palette knife, as in oil painting. The technique is extraordinarily demanding as each step of the polishing process must be precise; the slightest mistake can be disastrous. Each layer must dry fully in heat and humidity for several days before the artist can proceed to the next step. Cold and dry weather prevent the lacquer from ever drying completely. The layering of lacquer and the drying, sanding and polishing process can take a month or more. The final result, however, is a limpid painting of amber-like depth, with magnificent light and texture.

The Vietnamese artists are the only ones to paint with lacquer in this way and this is the result of a remarkable blending of cultural infuences. The history of lacquer goes back more than a thousand years to China, where it was used decoratively to protect objects
and wooden structures such as lacquer-ware dishes or the pillars of wooden structures of temples. Chinese traders brought lacquer to Vietnam, where the process achieved great popularity.

The establishment in Vietnam of French fine art academies during the early 20th century Colonial period, resulted in an unique blending of traditional lacquer techniques with western art concepts. Nguyen Gia Tri is regarded as the first artist to have achieved harmony using this melded medium.

Today there are a small group of master lacquer artists who are able to reach harmony and perfection in their paintings. Do Xuan Duan, who at over 70 years old, keeps painting from his heart and soul. He is recognised as one of the best living lacquer artists in Vietnam. With the unique use of colours and contrast, his paintings convey the beauty of everyday life. Other very popular artists include, Duong Sen, who is well known for his ability to create emotion in abstract works and Nguyen Hong Son, who depicts with exceptional technical skills, the charm of Vietnam.

Art of Rising Sun currently stocks a large collection of art that has been directly acquired from master painters and supply the worldwide market.

Original Vietnamese Fine Art
Traditional Vietnamese Lacquer Painting